Seven Noahide Laws 

The Word of The Lord from Jerusalem Micah 4:2

Form the Bedrock of all Civilized Society

For a Better World of Wisdom and Universal Peace

The Seven Noahide Laws were one of the 1st foundational underpinnings of Western civilization.

Originally given by G-d to Adam as six laws, they were again given to Noah after the flood adding the seventh law.

Seven Noahide Laws

7 Ancient Paths to Perfect
The Modern World in Peace

Introduction: A World on the Brink
Peace? We could be standing at the brink of World War III.

We face armed conflict in over 100 places around the world. According to The Geneva Academy's 2023 report, the following regions are embroiled in war:

  1. Middle East and North Africa: 45 Armed Conflicts
  2. Africa: More than 35 Armed Conflicts
  3. Asia: 21 Armed Conflicts
  4. Europe: 7 Armed Conflicts
  5. Latin America: 6 Armed Conflicts

This whirlwind of violence indicates a highly imperfect world. How can we possibly perfect it in peace?.

Ancient Intelligence: The 7 Paths

We start with AI, but not the artificial kind. This AI stands for Ancient Intelligence. We turn to seven ancient prescriptions that predate even Abraham and the three Abrahamic religions he fathered: Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. These seven paths guide us in perfecting the world by first perfecting ourselves.

The Season of Renewal

Now is the perfect time to start, as this is the season of forgiveness and hope. The Almighty is closest to us, and we are closest to Him. Happy New Year! Happy New You! Happy New World!

The Book of Genesis marks this time as the season of Creation, celebrating the sixth day when humanity was born with Adam and Eve. Each year, we crown our Creator as King, accepting His sovereignty and allowing hope to spring eternal. New beginnings and the possibility of peace start within ourselves.

Lighting the World with Righteousness

Our inner spark can light up our neighbors, family, and friends, tipping the scales of good and evil towards more good. Darkness turns into light.

Do You Have to Be Religious?

No. Much of the world is religious, yet religion alone hasn’t brought peace. Tragically, some kill in the name of God, which surely cannot be righteous or what any God would want.

Traditional religions often come with drama and dogma. You don’t have to be religious to be righteous and just. New beginnings can be celebrated by people of any religion or none at all.
Do You Have to Believe in God?

Not exactly. Defining God is challenging. Many refer to a "Higher Power" or use names like The Almighty, The Force, Allah, Brahman, The Great Spirit, and more. It’s a power most of us have felt but few fully understand. Some call it karma or luck. How can we possibly understand The Infinite?

If we feel there is a Power Greater than ourselves, we should acknowledge this force. Therefore:

  1. No Idolatry: Idolatry can take many forms, like addiction or the deification of money, fame, or fortune. Eliminate the negative.
  2. No Cursing God: Respect and honor this Force. Cursing a power greater than ourselves contradicts the idea that we are more important than The Almighty.

The Seven Paths

Once we accept these truths, we find compassion for all human beings. The Book of Genesis states we are all created in the Divine image. Therefore:

3. No Murder: Respect ourselves and each other.

4. No Illicit Relationships: Respect partners, neighbors, and boundaries.
5. Don’t Steal: Do not take what isn’t ours.

6. No Animal Torture: Extend the above values to animals too

7. Uphold Justice: Enforce these positive values with the rule of law.

These Seven Paths, known as the Seven Noahide Laws, have been known for over 4,000 years, dating back to Noah. Some say even Adam and Eve knew six of these laws.

A Universal Solution

These laws make sense to hundreds of thousands of 'Noahides' worldwide, and these communities are growing. There is no conflict between Noahides and Abrahamic or most other religions. It’s okay to believe in both and keep family traditions, as these laws do not cause conflict. In fact these universal principles are considered to be binding on all of humanity, regardless of their religious beliefs or cultural backgrounds.

Worldwide Noahide communities are know by various names, including Noahide Academy, Bnei Noah, Sons of Noah, Brit Clam, Noahide Code, 7 Noahide Laws, 7 Mitzvahs, and 7 Laws of Light. We are 7 Laws of Light on Twitter X @7noahidelaws.

Ending Wars and Conflicts

How do the Seven Laws of Noah solve wars and armed conflicts? Psalm 34:15 offers a solution:

“Shun evil and do good. Seek peace and pursue it.”

Psalm 34 also addresses existing evil:

“The face of the Lord is against evildoers, to cut off their remembrance from the earth.” (Psalm 34:17)

Wars and evil will end. Evildoers, those who violate the Seven Simple Laws of Noah, will be forgotten. Righteousness will remain:

“For the Lord knows the way of the righteous, but the way of the wicked shall perish.” (Psalm 1:6)

“When the whirlwind passes, the wicked man is no more, but the righteous is the foundation of the world.” (Proverbs 10:25)

A Prophecy of Peace

A world of righteousness has been prophesied by the ancients. Isaiah 23 might say it best:

“His rule will increase and be blessed with peace without end.”

Our world perfected in righteousness and peace starts with you.

Conclusion: A Call to Action

Doubt it? Never doubt what God can do. Thank you!

God Bless You! Happy New You! Happy New Year! Happy New World!

Seven Noahide Laws  

Form the Bedrock of all Civilized Society
For a Better World of Wisdom and Universal Peace


Acknowledge that there is only one G‑d who is Infinite and Supreme above all things. Do not replace that Supreme Being with finite idols, be it yourself, or other beings. This command includes such acts as prayer, study and meditation.



Respect the Creator. As frustrated and angry as you may be, do not vent it by cursing your Maker.



Respect human life. Every human being is an entire world. To save a life is to save that entire world. To destroy a life is to destroy an entire world. To help others live is a corollary of this principle.



Respect the institution of marriage. Marriage is a most Divine act. The marriage of a man and a woman is a reflection of the oneness of G‑d and His creation. Disloyalty in marriage is an assault on that oneness.



Respect the rights and property of others. Be honest in all your business dealings. By relying on G‑d rather than on our own conniving, we express our trust in Him as the Provider of Life.



Respect G‑d's creatures. At first, Man was forbidden to consume meat. After the Great Flood, he was permitted - but with a warning: Do not cause unnecessary suffering to any creature.



Maintain justice. Justice is G‑d's business, but we are given the charge to lay down necessary laws and enforce them whenever we can. When we right the wrongs of society, we are acting as partners in the act of sustaining the creation.

The Seven Noahide Laws were one of the 1st foundational underpinnings of Western civilization. Originally given by G-d to Adam as six laws, they were again given to Noah after the flood adding the seventh law. Therefore, it historically came before the giving of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament), The Bible: (New Testament), The Magna Carta, The Declaration of Independence, The U.S. Constitution, The Federalist Papers, and The Bill of Rights. 

Following these seven laws and building upon them, we became the most prosperous and free people in the history of humanity. Ignoring these seven laws also has an historical precedence; decline and destruction. Let’s follow these seven laws and save Western civilization.

Happy New Years 1-2023 

Celebrating the Consciousness of the 7 Laws of Life

According to the Genesis account, Adam and Eve were the first man and woman, created by divine decree to inaugurate humanity. God proclaimed it was not good for Adam to be alone, and fashioned Eve as his soulmate and wife. Together they embodied the primal marriage, two complementary halves joining to form a greater whole.

This original union on Rosh Hashana represents the genesis point for the sacred marital bond that has endured through the ages. Jewish tradition teaches that every wedding ceremony harkens back to that first cosmic coupling at the dawn of creation.

Rosh Hashana celebrates not just the creation of Adam and Eve, but the birth of consciousness. As the first beings gifted with divine awareness, they represent the awakening of the human spirit. And with each new birth, we echo that miraculous beginning.

Our personal birthdays hearken back to Adam and Eve’s legacy as the primordial humans. Each child is a spark rekindling their original divine light. This explains the Jewish reverence for birth as a wondrous, mystical affair.

These foundational stories contain universal significance. All peoples and faiths can find resonance in the biblical conception of marriage, the human family tree stemming from those original parents, and our collective spiritual roots dating back to Eden.

According to Jewish tradition, God gave Adam and Eve six fundamental laws for all humanity, the Noahide commandments. A seventh Noahide Law was added and subsequently given to Noah. These ethical precepts bind together the human family, laying the groundwork for a just civilization reflecting the divine image within each person.

So the Seven Universal Laws, along with the customs of marriage and celebrating new life, connect back to Adam and Eve's essential lesson - that all people are created equal under the sovereignty of the Almighty. 

What is The Significance of 7 Laws of Life

7 Laws of Life - Speak truth, pursue growth, live with purpose, practice patience, show compassion, give more than you take, and reflect on self.

The number 7 has profound spiritual meaning across cultures. Some examples of the power of 7:

1.)The 7 Noahide Laws - These core Biblical precepts for all humanity include prohibitions on idolatry, murder, theft, etc. They are considered the pillars of a just world.

2.)7 Days of the Week - The global prominence of a 7-day week traces back to the Biblical story of Genesis and God's creation of the world.

3.)7 Colors of the Rainbow - Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Isaac Newton established these 7 colors which can be seen in a prism.

4.)7 Notes in a Musical Scale - In Western music, an octave is comprised of 7 natural notes. The repeating 7 note patterns create memorable melodies.

5.)7 Heavens - Both Judaism & Islam reference 7 heavens. Ancient cosmology depicted 7 ascending celestial spheres beyond the earth.

6.)7 weeks x 7 days = 49 days. In Kabbalah, 49 days marks a period of spiritual purification and rebirth.

7.)The 7th day is consecrated in All Three Abrahamic Religions as a day of holiness and rest.

The ubiquity of 7 in theology, story, and nature hints at its symbolic meaning - a holy number pointing to our Divine Existence

Is The World Getting Better? Look:

(set back temporarly by a huge tragic worldwide pandemic)

Notice the last 250 years? That's AMERICA! Born and leading the world! The Declaration of Independence with the promise of LIFE, LIBERTY, and the pursuit of HAPPINESS! Look at the worldwide results:


The US must focus on re-emphasizing its traditional Abrahamic Religious 

values of Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness. The Seven Noahide Laws are a great place to start.

Make the World a Better Place

Yes! You can do it!

YOU can do one additional positive act, say one extra positive word, think one more positive thought in line with these Seven Noahide Laws.

It might just be the one extra amount of goodness that changes the balance of the whole world toward G-dliness and goodness.

Please share and spread this universal message of peace and goodness

Please feel FREE to share the 'good news'

Sources of Seven Noahide Laws

“And the Lord God commanded the man, saying: Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, you shall not eat from it, for on the day that you eat from it, you shall die” (Genesis 2:16–17). The verse is interpreted homiletically as follows: With regard to the term “and…commanded,” these are the courts of judgment; and so it states in another verse: “For I have known him, to the end that he may 

command his children and his household after him, that they may keep the way of the Lord, to do righteousness and justice” (Genesis 18:19). More: 

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Jerusalem, Israel

@7noahidelaws on X